Our Mission
Clinic Hours
Monday: 9AM — 4pm
Tuesday: 9AM – 4pm
Thursday: 9AM – -4pm
Monday- Thursday 9-4pm
We are closed for lunch from 12noon-1pm
Parenting Classes
The classes will no longer meet in the center for now however, the lessons are sent to the clients weekly by text or email. Dads may also receive their own lessons. Moms and dads earn diapers, wipes, and clothes for each week’s lessons which are completed. They will be able to call the center to schedule a pickup time for the items they have earned and the staff will deliver the items to their cars.
The Center is now accepting donations of diapers, wipes, and new or gently used baby clothes for sizes newborn to 24 months.
For legal reasons, we are not accepting furniture, car seats, cribs, crib bumpers, pack-n-plays, and doorway Johnny-Jump-Ups.
Meet Our Team
I will certainly preserve the life I am carrying based on the counseling received.
Give, so a life can live
We love what we do, but we can’t do it without your help. Please considering donating to help support our mission.